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of the Provinces of

The United States of America Republic





Jurisdiction:  "A government's general power to exercise authority over all persons and things within its territory; esp. a state's power to create interests that will be recognized under common-law principles as valid in other states."


Jurisdiction is power to declare the law! Capron v. Van Noorden, 6 US 126, 2 Cranch 126 (1804)

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The Jurisdictions of the United States of America Republic shall consist of 10 Provinces. The Moorish Nationals and citizens for the United States of America Republic shall Live in these Provinces. The United States of America Republic shall have the Power as the Dejure Government of the Continent with Full Power to Impose and Enforce the Law of the Land.


The Moorish American People and citizens have established themselves in these free lands of America and they hope that the Legislature of the Continent will be unified in accordance with the principals that subject Alien Immigrants to the unrestricted force of the local law, with the hope therefore that very soon the Doctrine of the Domicile will be the one to regulate in America the Civil Status and capacity of Persons and feeling assured that it will Constitute one of the most Characteristic aspects of Juridical Pan American.


























Province 1: Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin


Province 2: Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio, Tennessee


Province 3: Arkansas, Iowa, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, N. Dakota, S. Dakota


Province 4: Alaska, Arizona, California, Hawaii, Idaho, Oregon, Montana, Nevada, Washington


Province 5: Alabama, Canal Zone, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, Texas


Province 6:  Colorado, Kansas, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Utah, Wyoming


Province 7 N. Carolina, S. Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia


Province 8 Delaware, D.C., Maryland, Mariana Islands, New Jersey, Pennsylvania


Province 9:  Connecticut, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont


Province 10: Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Boricua






1. A large group of people having a common origin, language and tradition and usu. constituting a political entity. When a Nation is coincident with a state, the term nation-state is often used.- Also termed Nationality. (Emphasis added)


“The nearest we can get to a definition is to say that a Nation is a group of people bound together by a Common History, Common Sentiment and Traditions and usually (though not always, as, for example, Belgium or Switzerland) by common heritage. A State, on the other hand is a Society of men united under one government. These two forms of society are not necessarily coincident. A single Nation may be Divided into Several States, and conversely a single State may comprise Several Nations or Parts of Nations.” John Salmond, Jurisprudence 136 (Glanville L. Williams ed, 10th ed. 1947) (Emphasis added)


2. A Community of people inhabiting a defined territory and organized under an independent government; A Sovereign Political State Cf. STATE.” (Black's Law Dict. 8th Ed.)






The judicial Power shall extend to all Cases, in Law or Equity, arising under this Constitution, the Laws of the United States, and Treaties made, or which shall be made, under their Authority;-to all Cases affecting Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls;-to all Cases of Admiralty and Maritime Jurisdiction;-to Controversies to which the United States shall be a party;-to Controversies between two or more States;-between a State and Citizens of another State;-between Citizens of different States;-between Citizens of the same State claiming Lands under the Grants of different States, and between a State, or the Citizens thereof and foreign State, Citizens or Subjects.






The Judicial power of the United States or the several States shall not be construed to extend to any suit in law or equity, commenced or prosecuted against one of the Citizens of the United States of America Republic by Citizens of the United States, another State, or by Citizens or Subjects of any Foreign State.

United States of America Republic

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