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The Capitol Building of the United States of America Republic National Government

Located in the city of New Mecca, Province Illinois

The United States of America Republic National Government is the centralized government for the Moorish American People. The national government is responsible for governing the  Moorish American People throughout the Americas and beyond. The capitol building of the United States of America Republic is where the main administration takes place. For example, the office of the; President, Secretary of State, Attorney General, are all located here.

The United States of America Republic Capitol building has become a historic landmark for the Moorish American People and a staple in the Moorish American community. For the first time in over 300 years the so Moorish People have their own centralized government. Where they are able to obtain government services, and not depend on foreign governments for those services. 

 United States of America Republic State Building

"Chicago, Illinois is going to be our New Mecca",

- Holy Prophet Noble Drew Ali.


The Holy Prophet told the Moors, "to try to live close together".

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